Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What is my ministry?

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" (Ephesians 5:25 - NIV).

I have learned so much through LEGACY about character and not just a good character but a GODLY character. As a result, a healthy ministry can be developed. So, what is mine ministry? "My ministry is my wife" (Legacy Pastor).

I had realized that I have not acted with a Godly character in my marriage like as, Jesus Christ loved the church and I will apply all my efforts to fix that and be a GODLY HUSBAND to my wife and then I may become a pastor.

JESUS IS THE BEST everything is from, through and to HIM (Holy Bible).


  1. Lindo! Thanks God for Pastor Rod!! The Holy Spirit is doing something BIG in our life honey.
    Eu te amo muito!

  2. Joachim!

    I am soooooo glad you learning a lot and thank you for sharing that verse and your wisdom. I hope to someday love my future wife and be a Godly husband to her too. My heart leaps in joy in seeing how you and Amanda love each other so much in your marriage and how you put God first in your marriage. You guys inspire me! ^_^

    Until again,

  3. I love you Joachim and Amanda. The Lord brought you here - to experience the joy of true intimacy in your Oneness with Jesus and one another. Our marriage covenant is meant to be God-centered and honoring. I love dying to my flesh, crucifying the old nature... along life's way. Yes - Jesus has paid the price for all of our sins - now as husbands, we get to love our wives with Jesus love - giving ourselves - every part of ourselves for them! Love you Both!
