Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oh, Aaron

I think I had a hope deflated today. It wasn't a bad thing that it happened, because it was a hope that wished for something that just isn't how God works. It was a hope that one day, after enough seeking I would just 'get it.' A hope that I would one day, somehow, someway develop a process, a schedule, a prayer, a discipline, an obedience, SOMETHING that would allow me to STAY in the Spirit, and stay walking in close intimacy with God, un-intruded by flesh.
Well, that's not it, Billy. Although there's a quick-fix for everything else in life - there's not one that replaces the slow, steady pursuit towards holiness.

Father, I pray that you will begin guiding me away from thinking that one day I'll get it. Would you give me an understanding that it's a long journey, not a 'get through this day' or 'get through this month' but a 'get through this life, close to you. I pray that you would let me know how much I already have it through the cross, but how it's not just a one-time acceptance of grace, but rather a continual, daily, in-struggle and joy alike, "Yes" daily.

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