Monday, June 13, 2011

God’s Journey, not mine"

Saturday mornings devotions wrapped up my whole week of serving as a Legacy intern. In Phillipians 1:6, Paul talks about the good work that will be completed in our lives until Jesus returns. He is expressing that following Jesus is a long life journey until the day we meet Jesus in heaven. Along the journey there will be valleys and mountains but we should always keep our focus on Jesus, knowing that every step of the way we are getting closer to metting with Him. Paul continues writting in Philipians 1:18, that it doesn’t matter what people say about us, good or bad, the important thing is that Christ is being shared. It should never be about “me” or what’s best for “me” it is all about sharing Jesus. If we were to live by this mind set we can rejoice in the good and the bad, and like Paul says, we can continue to rejoice until we meet with the Father. This is what Legacy is all about! Refocusing on what really matters, Jesus. We are just instruments ,that by His grace, He is using. The first step of failure is thinking that it is about “us”, success is knowing that it is all about Him!

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