Wednesday, July 20, 2011

slow to anger

Last week, I knew this week was going to be nuts. With the video for the banquet hanging overhead, along with everything else coming together and needing to get finished by Saturday, I was anxious about this week.

This mornings devotional really helped me put my frustrations and stress in perspective.

Proverbs 19:11
Good sense makes one slow to anger,

I've recently been seeing petty frustration wedging itself into relationships.
When I get ticked off, I usually end up making a comment that does nothing towards resolution and a more towards harming my relationships. a byproduct of me getting angry is saying and doing things in the heat of the moment that are impatient, defensive and hurtful.

When I'm angry, I don't see things clearly. I think I see what the resolution should be like, and the only thing I'm really resolved to doing is trying to push the situation in that direction - and it doesn't turn out well.

If I am able to see the root causes of things - If I am able to have "good sense" about situations in which myself and others are upset, anger begins to dissolve because of that understanding. If I am able to look into my heart genuinely, and see what it is in me that's causing me to feel that way or get upset at that person and their action - it immediately begins to release that anger, and instead of harming the relationship - anger can be used to see where healing needs to take place.

Lord would you give me understanding, would you let me see the hurt and unresolved things in my own heart that are overflowing into hurtful words and actions. Would you lessen my desire to be right, and increase my hunger to see your truth in situations.

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