O)Hezekiah is showing full dependence on God, knowing that even though the army might be HUGE on the other side, we have a greater army because the KING of kings and LORD of lords fights next to us, leading every battle. Even though the king of Assyria screamed and told all of Hezekiah's people that it was nearly impossible to win, Hezekiah still believed and CRIED out to God in prayer, not by himself but with Isaiah the prophet, like that verse says when two or more are gathered God is there. And then an angel came down and powned everyone.
A) I walk this earth a warrior constantly in battle. I know that I am victorious through Jesus' name. These scriptures remind me to never lose faith and hope and dependence on GOd. As big as the enemy may look, our GOD is much bigger, and greater and powerful! How dare I say that the God of the universe is not able to overcome anything, like addiction, or illness, or spiritual battles. In moments of craziness sometimes i forget to come back to the ONE who delivers and conquers, dispite of what the world may tell me, I know that my God is BIGGER.
YOu are so HUGE and POWERFUL, you're words created the heavens and earth, JESUS, your sacrifice cleansed the sins of ALL the people that ever lived and all the people that are still to come. Who am I to even question. I'm sorry for ever doubting your amazing power to overcome my battles. Im sorry for allowing the enemy to speak lies to me. Close my ears to what the world may say and open them to your truth. Clothe me with your armor Lord, I depend on you to give me the strength to endure and stand victorious in your name. The enemy is good at destroying and distracting, Lord I pray that you keep my eyes focused on YOU, never looking to my right or my left. Lord speak to me daily, through your word, visions, signs, and other people. Open my heart and mind to you so that i can be open and willing to draw near.
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