They were continually devotion themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.
In this past season of my life, God has been revealing to me His heart and what His Kingdom looks like. It varied in many different shapes and forms. Sometimes it was words, pictures, images, so on and so forth. It took me eight weeks to realize this but this whole internship was a revelation of His Kingdom to me.
After the banquet, I was driving home really sad and almost depressed that this was all over. Suddenly though, a smile out of no where came on my face. God spoke quietly, as he usually does, and reminded me of these verses in Acts that I so love. He told me that I was a part of that today. As I read this passage again and look back at this internship, those verse describe us almost perfectly. We devoted ourselves to learning and fellowshipping with each other. We were constantly in awe of what the Holy Spirit was doing among us and in us. Though we were extremely different, we were united together as one body in one spirit with one God, and because of that we had everything in common. Daily we would come with one mind into His presence and in his temple, eating together with gladness and sincerity. We praised God together and had favor with all people. And as we were witness to today, God brought more people to be a part of this Legacy movement. I now know what the early church was like because I experienced something similar to it... Legacy.
In two months, we got to do life with each other. We saw each other's low planks. We saw each other's strengths. We saw each other grow and mature. We got frustrated with each other. We forgave each other. We cried together. We laughed together. We went through revelation together. We prayed together. We served together. We shared in pain with each other. We were transparent and weak in front of each other. We sacrificed together. We worshiped together. We lived together... we loved together.
I don't know why God invited me to be a part of this and of your guys's life but I am so thankful that he did. I am humbled by the fact that I got to serve with you all. You all have been examples to me in various areas and your love has truly touched my heart. I have learned so much by just watching the way you guys live and represent Christ.
Billy: You showed me how to love other's exactly how they are
Stephan: You showed me how to always have the joy of the Lord
Will: You showed me how to be a servant-leader
Neyda: You showed me how to show grace ;)
Amanda: You showed me how to have passion for seeking God
Joaquim: You showed me how to love my wife as Christ loves the Church
KK: You showed me how to not let anyone look down on me in my youthfulness
Elaine: You showed me how to be reliable and faithful
Christie: You showed me how to rely on the Holy Spirit and His strength
Leslie: You showed me how to always be teachable
Devin: You showed me how to listen before speaking
Zach: You showed me the importance of meditation
Tia: You showed me the simplicity of life
Thank you to the interns for the role you have played (and are still playing, and will play) in my life. Thank you to everyone who helped plan, direct, coordinate, supported, and volunteered in Legacy; you guys made every revelation, relationship, growth, and maturity possible. And thank you Jesus for inviting us all to be a part of something way bigger than ourselves.
I love and miss you all.
- Joshua Daniel Zenhan KwiHong Luke
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