Sunday, July 24, 2011

Legacy 2011

Yesterday I was running around at the banquet, fixing this and instructing this and that. Just for a moment I took a deep breath and God opened my eyes to what was really going on. It was not the music, the food, the was all about God and his desire to reveal himself to the hurting world through Legacy. He will and is using the knowledge, the instruction, and the wisdom we have received in these 8 weeks to build a foundation of good, solid leadership. It is up to each of us to continue to build on that foundation. What brick and mortar will we chose when no one else is watching us is all about our character. Chose wisely Team Legacy as God has plans for each of us to reveal him to Brazil, Oregon, Hawaii, California, Colorado and even Tennessee!
Just as the new converts to Christ were percacuted in Jerusalem and fled all over thier known world witnessing and church planting all the way; let us do the same. Victory in Jesus as we disperse and live out the Legacy.
Love and Blessings Leslie

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